Sara Mitelman Lindholm, General Counsel of the SSMA, has been re-appointed as Member of ESMA IPISC CWG
Sara Mitelman Lindholm, General Counsel of the Swedish Securities Markets Association (SSMA) has been re-appointed as Member of the Consultative Working Group to the Investor Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee (IPISC) of the European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA (ESMA IPISC CWG).
In the field of investor protection, ESMA actively contributes to the strengthening of common supervisory approaches and practices across Member States and to the development of a single rulebook. IPISC plays a key role in ESMA’s work in this area. ESMA IPISC CWG consists of up to 18 representatives of retail investors and users of financial services, financial market participants, and academics, and provide technical assistance to IPISC in relation to all aspects of its work.
Further information about ESMA including the ESMA IPISC CWG can be found here: Standing Committees and other bodies (
For questions please contact:
Urban Funered, CEO, The Swedish Securities Markets Association