The Swedish Securities Markets Association works for increased diversity

The Swedish Securities Market Association is convinced that a securities market characterised by diversity both among market participants and among the employees working in these participants contributes to a more sustainable and competitive securities market. The association therefore endeavours to promote diversity in the securities market in various ways through its own initiatives and together with others.
The Swedish Securities Market co-operates on issues relating to diversity with both the association’s members and other actors. Together with the Swedish House of Finance, the Swedish Securities Market organised a webinar on Women in Finance, which can be viewed on the Swedish House of Finance website..
Women in Finance in Sweden (KIFS)

What is KIFS?
Women in Finance in Sweden is an initiative run by the Swedish Securities Market Association (SVPM) that aims to increase the interest of women to educate themselves for work in the financial industry, to then choose a job in, thrive and develop, and stay in the financial industry in the long term.
The initiative is aimed primarily at women working in the securities market (investment banking, securities operations, analysis and asset management with a focus on the securities market) and working mainly with external clients. This said the initiative may also be of interest to women teaching or studying at universities/colleges, authorities and the like with a focus on the financial industry. Feel free to follow our work on LinkedIn.
Read the report: Women in finance report