Legal & Compliance

The Association’s work on legal issues

As part of the association’s ongoing work, legal issues of common interest to its members sometimes arise. This may involve, for example, developing self-regulation in a particular area.

Legal Group

The Legal Group is the most senior legal body in the Association and meets regularly about every six weeks to discuss regulatory developments and current legal issues relating to securities legislation. The Legal Group is also responsible for the legal review of the Association’s template terms and conditions and recommendations . It also deals with legal issues referred to it by other working groups and responds to consultations from Swedish and international authorities and organisations.

Compliance Group

The Compliance Group constitutes a forum for senior compliance officers in member firms, and meets regularly about every six weeks to discuss issues of common interest concerning control, monitoring and reporting obligations related to securities legislation. The Compliance Group is also informed about regulatory developments in Sweden and the EU and on the work conducted in other relevant groups in the Association. External speakers may also be invited to the group’s meetings, e.g. a regular review of disciplinary decisions by Swedsec.