Sustainable financing

Sustainability is an important issue for participants in the Swedish securities market. In many respects, the Swedish market and its participants are also among the leaders in this area. Some regulation has already been introduced or is about to be introduced in this area, but further regulations are expected within the EU, while a discussion is taking place at international level.

The Swedish Securities Market works on many different issues related to sustainability, including sustainability information and sustainability indices, sustainability considerations among market participants, a green taxonomy and the sustainable finance strategy.

Sustainability issues include not only environmental and climate issues but also social responsibility and corporate governance, often referred to as “Sustainability” or “Environmental, Social and Governance” with the abbreviation “ESG”.

The organisation discusses sustainability both in a horizontal working group and in other working groups. The association’s focus is on issues with a direct bearing on the securities market, although it also monitors other initiatives that are of relevance and interest to its members.