The secretariat

Urban Funered, Chief Executive Officer
Urban Funered is leading the work of the association and chairs working groups relating to e.g. the Capital Markets Union, Diversity and Sustainable Finance.
Urban Funered is a Board Member of Swedsec Licensiering, the Association for Generally Accepted Practice in the Securities Market, Swedish House of Finance, the Nordic Securities Association (NSA) and the International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA) and is also a member of the Euroclear Sweden Market User Committee and the ESMA Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG).

Sara Mitelman Lindholm, General Counsel
Sara Mitelman Lindholm leads and coordinates legal matters at the association. Sara is also responsible for the association’s work with investor protection matters at Swedish, Nordic and European level, and she leads the Legal working group.
Sara is involved in the European Banking Association’s Secondary Markets Working Group and coordinates the work within the Nordic Securities Association (NSA).

Therese Mårtensson, Senior Legal Counsel
Therese Mårtensson is involved in matters related to law and compliance, as well as legal matters related to the bond market and post-trade. Therese leads the working groups for bonds – law, post-trade – law, and EMIR & CCP.

Sophie Nossman, Senior Legal Counsel
Sophie Nossman is involved in issues related to law and compliance, as well as legal issues related to the equities- and derivatives market. Sophie leads the Prospectus working group and is also active in working groups handling matters relating to Market Surveillance & Market Abuse, Infrastrukture – Rules & Regulations, and AML.

Erik Einerth, Senior Expert Equitys & Derivatives Markets
Erik Einerth is leading and coordinating the Association’s work in matters relating to the stock and derivatives market, is involved in matters relating to the Capital Markets Union and is responsible for the Market Place Group and the Derivatives Market Group.

Jenny Mannent, Senior Expert Markets and Infrastructure
Jenny Mannent leads and coordinates the association’s work in the money market, post-trade, continuity and information security, and is responsible for the working groups Money Market Council and Post-Trade Policy.
Jenny represents the association in the coordination and executive groups of the Financial Sector’s Private-Public Cooperation Group (FSPOS) and participates in the Swedish Riksbank’s “National Stakeholder Group”.

Fredrik Bonthron, Chief Economist
Fredrik Bonthron is responsible for the association’s work with market analysis and questions about consumer protection. Fredrik is also responsible for the working groups Credit Bond, Tax, Investment Savings Account and Structured Investments.
Fredrik is a board member of Konsumenternas Bank- och Finansbyrå and Näringslivets Regelnämnd (NNR).

Peter Molin, Financial Accountant
Peter Molin handles matters relating to the association’s financial administration, accounting and financial planning.

Ida Borgström Hommik, Head of Communications
Ida Borgström Hommik is responsible for all matters related to the association’s communication, such as media inquiries, seminars and events, as well as general issues related to the Swedish Securities Market Association.

Enel Lundbladh, Executive Assistant
Enel Lundbladh is providing support for the Chief Executive Officer and other employees in the office’s ongoing operations and is handling administrative issues relating to the association’s working groups.