Board & Management

The Swedish Securities Markets Association has 24 members – the membership includes most of the major Swedish and Nordic banks, investment banks and securities companies as well as several regional and international actors.

The Swedish Securities Markets Association´s board consists of 11 members who are elected by the members at the annual general meeting.

Anders Antas

Anders Antas, President

Anders Antas is the President of the Swedish Securities Markets Association since May 2024.

Anders Antas is CFO at Carnegie Investment Bank.

Vice President
Johan Roth

Johan Roth, Vice President

Johan Roth is the Vice President of the Swedish Securities Markets Association since May 2024.

Johan Roth is Managing Director, Head of Equities, Investment Banking & Equities at Nordea.

Urban Funered, CEO

Urban Funered is the CEO at the Swedish Securities Markets Association since March 2019.

Övriga styrelseledamöter

Elisabeth Beskow
DNB Bank Filial Sverige
Maria Janson
Martin Nilsson
Lars-Åke Norling
Nordnet Bank
Mattias Pap De Pesténys
Danske Bank Filial Sverige
Gustav Unger
Per-Anders Tammerlöv
Mangold Fondkommission
Jonas Ström
ABG Sundal Collier
Robert Radway
Svenska Handelsbanken